Post Stroke Recovery
Stroke, Traditional Chinese medicine has broadly divided into 2 categories–
Damage to Meridian systems vs Core systems.
In the case of damage to “meridian systems”, the sequelae are generally localized and relatively mild. Prognosis is good. Typical sequelae are : Bell’s palsy, monoplasia, hemiplegia, gestroparalysis, and Broca aphasia, mood swings …etc
On the other hand, sequelae resulting damages to “core systems” are more serious; patients may even be in a coma. In addition to the above sequelae, patients may suffer from dysphagia, expressive disphasia, anomic aphasia, incontinence, fecal incontinence, depression…etc; and in the worst situations, patients may lose majority
of their mobility and thus become completely bedbound
Through early intervention of Chinese medical integrated practices such as acupuncture, moxibustions, massage, taking herbs, fumigation, can accelerate the recovery and facilitate patients to regain quality of life.
Our clinician will also advise on appropriate diet or exercises
On need basis we can provide home visits treatment services
Carcinoma Treatment & Recovery
For cancer treatment , patients generally prefer to receive Western medicine ‘s interventions such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiotherapy, surgery…etc., which do achieve good prognosis
Common cancers are: lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer,
prostate cancer, nasopharyngeal, liver cancer...etc
However, very often, during the treatment process or after the completion of treatment, patients might suffer from various discomfort, such as cancer pain, fatigue or very weak body, anemia, loss of appetite, vomiting, dry mouth, insomnia....etc
In some cases, patients might even give up on continuing treatment because they could not withstand various pain & discomforts.
There are also some patients who, due to various special reasons, such as old age or having other underlying aliments, are unwillingness to or are not fit for undergoing Western medical treatment.
Through TCM’s comprehensive intervention at different stages of cancer development (early, middle and advanced stage) , a personalized care plan can be adopted to help patients relieve from various discomforts, it may include a combination of taking herbs, acupuncture, moxibustion & massage treatment.
With such relief, patients will be better supported to continue receiving Western medical treatments, as well as to regain vitality and well being as soon as possible
TCM treatment can also help some patients who are unwilling or not suitable to receive Western medicine treatment, it can alleviate various discomforts, and ever perhaps facilitate patients to “live with the tumor” as much as and as long as one could.
On need basis, we can provide home visits treatment services